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Beef Farm Services

We can provide your suckler farm with a full spectrum of veterinary services including:


• Full investigatory service for all production and infectious disease

• Pregnancy diagnosis with our modern ultrasound scanners

• Bull breeding soundness examination with semen evaluation

• Proactive foot care including lameness investigation, foot trimming with our hydraulic crush

• Herd accreditation scheme work

• Herd health planning


We also offer routine foot trimming using our hydraulic crush charged per head at competititve lay foot trimmer rates.  This allows prompt treatment of lame cows or efficient routine trimming when cows come in or before they go out in the spring.  Depending on farm facilites we can usually work on a batch without any help, letting you get on with other jobs!  The foot crush is also ideal for fertility testing new or suspect bulls with our electo-ejaculator equipment. 


We aim to ensure that we keep up to date with changes and developments within the  beef  industry as well as advancements in veterinary medicine in order to provide our clients with sound, scientific, evidence based advice relevant to their particular enterprise and individual farming practices.


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